Monday, January 22, 2024

The Morning Smile



  1. She needs a nose ring…

    1. Pardon my "snarky" attitude but I am going out on a limb here and say that most of the "peanut gallery" on this website think face piercings and jewelry are ugly and distracting. Nose rings look like snot dripping...

    2. I just thought it would be a low cost distraction from some issues but there’s nothing going on here that a plastic surgeon and several K couldn’t address…

    3. I think people here like to stir the pot and get you and a few other boomers agitated with tats, piercings, make up and wild hair color.

    4. "Boomers"? Back when I was young and stupid (aka a young man), I treated my "elders" with respect and deference. I certainly did not call them condescending names. I guess that today's young "key board warriors" have no fear and certainly little or no morals.

    5. Relax, Jethro. Myself, probably the others too, make comments in the spirit of humor. Anon, you sound wound too tight. Its just for fun. Don't take it personally.

    6. Why do you think being called a boomer is an insult? If you were born between 1946 to 1964 during the mid-20th century baby boom, you are a boomer. Once again you are letting someone "stir the pot" to get a reaction out of you. I personally think the 60's and 70's were a great time to grow up.

    7. She left the nose ring at the hotel! Its cold out there in da snow! ;)

    8. John, if you wouldn't have tried to speak for everybody else, and then threw a hissy fit about getting ribbed for it, nobody would be breaking your balls at all. Boomer.

    9. A troll started this, no need to bother replying ...

  2. Nice smile on what looks like a cold day...

  3. Nice set of chompers.

  4. This beautiful young lady's face could light up a room with that smile.

  5. Replies
    1. You need to comment with those old cranks up above the line. Again, what a beautiful set of chompers in her beautiful smile.

  6. Nice to look at......but Ya never know what the Devil gonna do!

  7. Yup. I actually remember Truman in the WH.
