Monday, January 22, 2024

Not safe at all



  1. I dunno. A headshot with a,BFR IN 45-70 willgwt you a nice white rug. Though I would imagine from that distance a .45 cal or 10mm wpuld do as well.

  2. I do like to travel north of the 49th, but not that far north of the 49th.

  3. Looks like the guy is setting up photography or video equipment.

    1. I'd guess that's the reason the window was open in the first place, as photographers know, your photo is only going to be as good as the worst piece of glass that you shot through.

  4. Bop it in the nose, it'll retreat.

  5. Uh-uh, babe. YOU bop it in the nose. I'll watch.

  6. Yep. "Safe" is a null concept, like darkness being the absence of light. Only danger really exists. That there's some danger wearin' a nice white warm coat!

  7. Damn sardine cans are so hard to open for a bear.

  8. only two things on the pack ice, polar bears and polar bear food

  9. So at a Sundance about 20 years ago, one of the tribe’s Buffalos was harvested so the camp would have fresh meat no prior to the dance starting.

    The Buff was tied up in the back of a pickup with its head right under the sliding rear window of the rear seats, when all of a sudden it started bellowing and trashing around. It had been rifle shot and manhandled into the bed immediately so the field stripping could be done in the camp to save most of the innards too…

    The driver handed my friend in the back a Glock .40 which he reached thru the window and popped off two 180 grain hollow point rounds about 2-3” from the skull…… the hair ignited into flame and smoke but the grown bull keep bellowing…

    Had to stop and let the follow up truck dispatch him for sure with a .308 FMJ.

    The .40s out of a model 23 had literally bounced by off the thick skull.

    .The fresh meat was fantastic that night.

  10. Tourist in a Tundra Buggy near Churchill Manitoba. From Duluth Minnesota fly due north approx 800 miles and you'll be there. Tundra Buggies are very tall, so that is one big bear.

  11. No way he can't push through that window frame...
