Wednesday, January 3, 2024

One of our local businesses here in town posted this lament about trying to run a business in Communist leaning California, especially given the new rules that have gone into effect. I can relate. This says it all.

Dear Redding...

How we love you so!
We do!! It's true!!
You've been good to us, but I have some news.
I'm picking a fight with California.
She's been getting super pushy lately and I need a partial break-up.
Seriously....we need some time apart.
California is..well....needy.
And demanding!
I know..I know.
Redding IS California, I wouldn't have it any other way, but it's like California is Reddings older sister, who is a drama magnet, who constantly spends everyone else's money on beer and cigarettes, then bitches about being broke.
Redding, on the other hand, just wants to go to work, and not be bothered too much.
So I'll get right to it.
It's time to break up.
I'll start.....
California, your sweet and all, but this whole $20 per hour for fast food workers?
And 5 paid days off?
Plus a 401(k)?
And health insurance?
For someone with no work experience and no high school diploma needed?
Let's talk about this...
That's $41,600 per year, 5 paid days off, 401(k) and health insurance that now I have to pay!
Because I won't be able to hire anyone unless I meet this new fast food standard.
And that's a serious problem, because I'm
It's just Tanya and I over here.
And that is a standard that we can't meet.
I'm sorry.
We can't.
Your asking too much of us.
I know a lot of people think this money is magic, and that workers deserve as much as they can get....but I'm a worker.
Tanya and I both work.
Nobody is paying us.
We have to make our own money.
Us, and every other small business owner in this state. We're not Google....or Apple, or Uber.
We're just a family who paid you for a fictitious business statement, then a business license, then a corporation entity, then an Employer Indentification Number, then yearly inspection fees and yearly renewal fees, and finally...taxes.
Corporate tax, then State tax, then Federal tax.
Before anyone is even allowed to work for themselves, they need to come up with about $15,000
It's true!!
Don't believe me?
Try it!
I dare you!!
Then, once you do that....
Try to hire someone!
Because hiring someone...ANYONE... now costs
$41,600. 5 paid days off. Health Insurance and a 401(k).
But wait!!
You also need to pay
Workman's Comp!
And have liability insurance!
And....Employer Contribution taxes!
Required by law.
By the time your done hiring a single, non experienced, no work history minimum wage employee, your out of pocket about $54,000.
Which is why we have to have a little break up.
I can't afford all that, so I need to reduce how much were spending on you!
As of January 1st, 2024, I'm going to buckle the belt.
No more lunch service.
That's right.
M==== Bistro will no longer offer lunch service.
We just can't swing it.
It's never been a super busy shift, but our dinner rush has always been able to subsidize it.
Not anymore.
There are only two ways to have money.
Make it...or save it.
We need to do both.
Jan 1st, 2024, M==== will now only be open for dinner, starting at 4 pm.
On Sunday, we will still have brunch!
That shift does well.
Nice and busy, runs smooth, happy brunch stays!
Our new hours:
Weds through Saturday, 4 pm to 9 pm, dinner service.
Brunch from 10 am to 2 pm. Dinner from 4 pm to 9pm.
That's just the way it has to be.
We just can't afford California's reckless spending habits, the constant 'Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!'
Because we're the ones who have to give.
And sometimes, it's just not worth it.
So: Redding...I'm cutting lunch out!
Your Big Sister, California, has gotten in the way of our 'good thing.'
Let's do dinner instead!
We can meet for cocktails, tell stories, enjoy ourselves and watch the sun go down.
As it should be!


  1. Truth. The problem is the criminals in power, in both Sacramento and DC, simply DO NOT CARE about what their edicts cost. It's that simple. And since they ARE in power and CANNOT be voted out, we their victims have only two choices. Submit...or spit on your hands, hoist the black flag and start slitting throats. Something Mr. Mencken told us was necessary a century ago.

  2. Gotta starve the beast, government at all levels has taken more than two desserts, more like ten…so time to cut them off cold turkey.

    1. If the government doesn't get it's dessert, it sends men with guns.
      That's the bottom line.

  3. The New World Order will be destroying our once-great nation along with the rest of the civilized world.

  4. Just wait till we have to pay more in taxes so Greasy Gavin can give all the illegals free healthcare.

  5. Most of her costs will remain the same but her profits will plummet and in a year she'll be gone. Best to do something completely "under the table", mano y mano, cash only. That's where all of this is heading - Barter Town.

    1. A restaurant is impossible to go stealth... under the table. I think you're maybe a year older than me. You're an architect and that sounds like Inspection City. I've been creating hand-made signs since age 16. I've never paid permission to do this. No business license. No employees, partners, and of course, no boss. I've never filed taxes. I'll happily take cash but usually it's a check. Soon after it clears I place that loot in my safe. Businesses want to look pretty and that's what I enable them to achieve. There's very few activities that can go stealth. Maybe freelance gynecologist? Hmmmm.....

    2. OK, you have a good reason to post as Anonymous. Hopefully from the public library.
      And yes, I agree, trying to hire anyone "off the books" who isn't a relative will bite you in the ass sooner or later.

    3. Posting as "John the River" takes away your argument about "Anonymous"

    4. Don't worry Dodger, we'll pay your taxes for you. As for California, the people there that actually do pay their taxes - and they are declining as a percentage of population - are moving away instead of fighting to regain control of their state. They can run but they cannot hide because, rest assured, the rest of tax-paying America will be asked to pay for California.

  6. Gee, it's too bad they have to pay a living wage and decent benefits to their employees. It was so much easier when they could take advantage of powerless, virtually slave labor!

    1. The virtual slave is allowed to get more education, get a licence , learn a trade and find or make a better paying job... the minimum wage was for those starting out, it was never intended as a way of life..

    2. i bet dennis voted for biden.

    3. Bet you have never owned a business.

    4. Hey Rob, how is life in Mom & Dads basement?

    5. When you get down to insulting people you don't know on the internet because you can't think of anything better to say... Well it's good to see a touch of honesty from someone who is Anonymous...
      You're now an out in the open troll....

    6. Dennis- you do not understand how wages are determined. Government bureaucrats do not determine the value of labor. The value of anything, including labor, is determined by the intersection of what the employee is willing to accept, and what the employer is willing to pay. There is no other value. If minimum wage laws raise the cost of labor over this, employment decreases, as can be seen in the posted note.

      Some labor is not worth very much... for example unskilled labor at a restaurant. That is why many of the people doing this labor do not require a "living wage" because they are young, unskilled people living with their parents. They can earn some spending money, and get job skills that they can later use to get better paying work when they have to fully support themselves.

      My oldest son's first job was a lifeguard when he was 17. The pay was not high, because the value of his labor was not high. He did not need a living wage, because he was living with us, and we were paying most of the bills. However, the job was valuable to him, not just for the spending money, but because it taught him basic job skills.

    7. At the total cost to the employer, he's not going to hire a kid with no work experience or an immigrant (legal or illegal) with poor English language skills.
      He's going to hire an adult with work experience, perhaps a short order cook to fill in, in the kitchen. And is willing to also bus tables. If he can find someone. If not, no one gets hired.
      And that is why a lot of teens are missing their opportunity and cruising into their twenties, still without work experience.

    8. Dear Communist Pig Dennis M,

      Tell the class who held a gun to Suzy or Billie Joe Dumba@$$' head and forced either of them to work at that (or any other) restaurant.
      Show your work.

      If I was that employer, I'd solve the problem: I'd first fire all current help, and point them to the new law.
      Then require new applicants to possess a Masters Degree in Hospitality, and require them to successfully complete a six-month unpaid internship before being considered.
      Non-Masters holders could fulfill a 12-to-24-month unpaid internship for the same chance at being offered a full-time job.
      Former employees would receive priority for that program.

      When no one could or would do that, I'd H-1B visa people here from Trashcanistan and Sh*tholia, who'd do the job for actual slave wages until they got their green cards, and thank me for the opportunity.
      Then people who think wages grow on trees wouldn't be able to afford a laptop or internet service, and we wouldn't have to listen to their ignorant drivel.

      Just saying.

      Instead, watch as the number of employees in those field in this state dwindles to nothing in less than 5 years.

      Dumbocrat Policy:
      If it moves, tax it.
      When it stops moving, subsidize it.

  7. they have to make enough money to afford to live in the mess the government created in the first place. those cushy jobs and great benefits for the do nothings in government wont fund themselves.

  8. Yet another nail nail in the coffin of a small business owner courtesy of their government.


  9. Been to Redding quite a few times for family and friends and it is a great place. Sorry to hear about this place having to cut their hours just to make ends meet - that is so counter to common sense.

  10. I can see a writer possibly making one or two spelling mistakes, but to have the very same basic misspelling or misuse consistently repeated throughout an entire article?

    "YOUR" is a possessive pronoun, i.e., "it is your problem", et cetera.

    "YOU'RE" is a contraction of "YOU ARE", i.e., "you're going broke", et cetera.

    Likewise, "WERE" and "WE'RE" are two different words, with different definitions, and are not interchangeable.

    "WERE" is the plural of "WAS", i.e., "he was" and "they were".

    "WE'RE" is a contraction of "WE ARE", i.e., "we're all grammar Nazis".

    Macht Nicht, or as us G.I.s would say when I was an American soldier serving many decades ago in Germany, "Mox Nix".

    Private First Class, E-3
    Field Radio Relay and Carrier Equipment Repair (MOS 31L20)
    Company A, 11th Air Defense Signal Battalion
    32d Army Air Defense Command
    Kleber Kaserne, Kaiserslautern, Germany
    TDY to Team A-2 at Spangdahlem Air Force Base.

    THEN - - - I went to Viet Nam!

    1. Want to see heads explode? Toss 'em that pesky to/too/two thing....

    2. Or the "EFFECT" versus "AFFECT", or even "WHO" versus "WHOM"!

    3. And no mention of the content. No one cares about that stuff, grammar Nazi. She wasn’t writing a novel.

    4. To Anonymous 7:24, Yes, some people DO care about that stuff since to use poor/improper grammar is a sign of an incomplete/improper education and is a harbinger of the degradation of language. Seriously, I learned this stuff in the SECOND GRADE! Grammar Nazis are the only kind of Nazis to be, in my humble opinion.

  11. ...tell them to only hire 1099 employees

    1. One of the major parts to being a 1099 ( Independent contractor ) is that the person has to be able to set their own hours / days of employment. Not possible in a restaurant setting.

  12. I've, X'd it. Good informative read that needs to be shared.

  13. "Land of the Free - Home of the Brave".... my ass. The Federal Reserve stole America lock, stock and barrel right from under out feet back in 1913. They own everything. The "U.S. citizen" has been declared the debtor that is tasked with the chore to pay back the debt, but the creditor is printing the money which doesn't discharge a debt but actually compounds it... with interest. Slavery perfected. Now we're all down on the plantation picking cotton.

    There used to be a word that appeared in dictionaries long ago but is difficult to find anymore. This is from the original Webster's 1828:

    "ALLODIUM: Freehold estate; land which is the absolute property of the owner; real estate held in absolute independence, without being subject to any rent, service, or acknowledgement to a superior. It is thus opposed to feudal. In England, there is no allodial land, all land being held of the King; but in the United States most lands are allodial."

    All of that changed on March 9, 1933 when President Franklin Roosevelt declared the United States bankrupt by and through executive order nos. 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260. USC 28 Section 3002 Definitions: (15) “United States” means (A) a Federal Corporation. UCC 9-307 (H) (Location of United States): The United States is located in the District of Columbia. It exists only on paper which happens to be a bankrupt note. On April 26, 1933 came Senate Resolution no. 62 which reads in part: "The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual "ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." The Federal Reserve owns everything. Their flying monkeys, the IRS, work exclusively for the Fed and no one else. I'm the sign painting anonymous above without a business license. I don't want their stinking social security check and I've never filed for it. I want only to be left alone

  14. I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if every single .gov employee, city, county, state AND .fed were hunted to extinction. At least then we'd only have the welfare parasites consuming EVERYFUCKINGTHING, instead of being slowly crushed between two disparate classes of parasites. Make no mistake, if you're a .gov employee, you are a parasite. Don't like it? Good. Feelings mutual, fuck you.

  15. "Land of the Fee - Home of the Knave"

    1. should have been a response to Anonymous of 11:36AM

  16. "Land of the Fee - Home of Behave"
