Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Nice Slab



  1. Needs butterflies!

    1. That was my first thought also.

  2. I don't get it. I don't see why people find this type of furniture so attractive. The natural beauty is undeniable, but to use it half finished as furniture? I don't get it.

  3. Fill the cracks with a resin, would make a great dining room table or really large desk. As for MR does not get it here's why people like it and its because its not made of saw dust, it's sold wood and will last for generations if well kept.

    1. There iare plenty of solid and quality furnitures made that don't use fake sawdust laminates. This thing shows no craftsmanship or style. It's just a large slab of wood.

    2. It's proof that most efforts to improve on Nature itself fall pitifully short.

    3. I totally agree. The dining room table and chairs I find growing in nature are sooooo much better than anything Ethan Allen ever made.

  4. I met a craftsman called "Cheech" in St Croix. He made tables like this out of local mahogany and was charging (in 2000) over 15K for this "Boss piece of wood".

  5. Seeing a scene like this makes me angry I didn't invest a few hundred bucks at George Nakashima's studio in New Hope, Pennsylvania back in the early 1970s when I was a frequent visitor there.

  6. That's book-matched and glued to make that single slab. And yes it needs dutchmen to control the splits. Would make a killer conference table. Years ago this would have been veneered and glued to stabilized solid wood substructure. Could have made 20 tables instead of one. Check out very old furniture for this construction.


  7. I live in S.A and the heavy wood tables though nice to look at are not made of dried wood. 6 months later my kitchen table started warping and splitting at the joints....and then the teeny ants came out.
    Good times
