Friday, January 12, 2024




  1. I put 17 rounds your ass I don't care how big or hairy you are your probably going to think twice about coming back. If yelling hey bear runs one off many pings should work...But I carry a .44 mag in the woods.

  2. ...and me back here grinning happily because all three of, all four of us are carrying!

  3. If it is a real picture and not a photoshop special it is probably a sow defending her cub from a boar trying to kill it so the sow would come in esterus a year sooner!
    If a bear gets serious about an attack it is not a matter of putting a killing shot in it but you must stop the bear as in disable it! Years ago a friend of mine was an assistant guide on the Alaska Peninsula. They found a decent grizzly and the client fired at about 100 yards. As per camp rules the guide also fired. The bear came for them and it finally went down as ten yards with 9 shots, some .270 and some .338mag all in the chest and all killing shots but not a bone broken.
