Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Not the right tool for the job.



  1. Wrong. A six-year government-sponsored study determined this to be the most environment friendly tool.

  2. Then they found they needed a world-class weightlifter to ride the bike. A guy with thighs the size of redwood tree trunks.

  3. I don't see any training wheels so I'm notifying OSHA

  4. A recumbant bike lets the rider put more torque on the wheel. That'd be the ticket for this, for sure.

  5. Piece of cake with the right gears and if you could hook-up the traction with decent tires.

  6. The question bigger is if it ever gets the plane moving, can it get it stopped?

    1. That's what the guy riding the brakes is for... saw tow bar bolts shear once towing a C130. The guy in charge hollered "BRAKES" at the brake rider... it was raining and he had the window closed but the guy driving the mule heard him and hit the brakes. The ray dome crunched into the mule.. it was funny... I wasn't part of that crew I was just watching and missed the ass chewing that came after that. :-)

  7. If the plane was moving under it's own power, would the bike setup be enough to steer it??

  8. The bicycle just steers the nose. They fire up one engine to taxi forward. I got to "ride" the brakes in some 727s for one job. You cannot see anything behind you and you can't see the right wing. It's like guiding an aircraft carrier with a patch over one eye and your head in a vise. Interesting job until somebody screws up.
