Friday, January 12, 2024

Zebra Fish??



  1. Tilapia Buttikoferi

  2. I have tried catching sheepshead but all I did was feed them fiddler crabs. You have to set the hook just before they bite.

  3. And, don't squeeze them! That fish would provide the photo associated with "projectile defecating" in the dictionary.

  4. When I was a kid I used to watch the old guys fish off John's Pass bridge with a cane pole about 20 feet long an inch or better in diameter at the bottom, with a piece of steel clothesline cable as long as the pole....they used a regular hook, about a 2 ott, with a fiddler crab for bait....they'd hang the bait down along the pilings and slowly bring the bait up until a Sheepshead would grab on.....this method worked so well it wasn't long before they had a cooler full and were headed for home with dinner....this was the old John's Pass bridge that was only about 10 or 12 feet off the of the best eating fish in the water IMMHO...

    1. We’ve caught a few up by Weedon Island, but I can’t imagine trying to fish anywhere near John’s Pass these days. The channel under the new bridge is always crowded with boats.
