Saturday, January 20, 2024

Today's rainy day job: Make hot sauce with all the remaining hot peppers.


Got a pound of sweet peppers from the local market, then pulled all the Lemon Drop hot peppers off the bushes in the back.  Blended with apple cider vinegar, sea salt, honey, and garlic, simmered a while on the stove, then the blender.  Way too much for me to use, but the heat ratio is pretty good.  I feel productive.


  1. ...wash your hands before pp'ing...

  2. Yellow pepper sauce...different!

  3. Made 10 qts of Habanero Gold sauce back in November. Similar but using carrots as well.

  4. Any chance you can share your recipe? I'd like to give it a try.

    1. Here's the general recipe I used:

      I bought a bag of sweet peppers from the store, a pound of them, then added my lemon drop peppers, a handful ( they're reasonably hot), and then used the above recipe to make the sauce. I already tried the fermented recipe, but I didn't like the way it eventually looked and threw it out. The cooked method gets you your sauce right away -- much better in my opinion.
