Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Iron Handshake



  1. worked the RR years ago. some knuckle pins have my initials forged into head.

  2. Heard about a guy that was caught in one of those. Didn't end well.

    1. That was also a scene from The Omen

    2. Back in the days of link and pin couplers, when the men had to stand between the cars to couple them there were many injuries. And no insurance.

    3. Happened to my friend’s dad at the steel mill. I don’t know how he got caught, but as I heard it they called for an ambulance and left him in between the couplers. He was obviously in great pain, but still conscious. When the ambulance arrived about 15 minutes later, they uncoupled the cars and he died right then. To say traumatic is underselling it by an order of magnitude.

  3. Having rode Amtrak, it is amazing, looking at the necessary back and forth movement, how smoothly the cars roll, no jerking

  4. Couplers are really strong. In the 1940s C&O RR T1 2-10-4s were hauling 17000 ton coal trains.

  5. It is amazing how much mass it is pulling a large consist of cars with relatively small knuckle. Weight is on the wheels.
