Saturday, January 20, 2024

Table for two, please



  1. And not mobbed to the gills with obnoxious American tourists, could really enjoy a coffee and dessert item there in quiet conversation with my bride…assuming we ever fly again (likely not).

  2. looks a bit like sections of River Walk in San Antonio

  3. Agree I think its Utrecht. A place I have always wanted to go. They build some of the best metal sailboats in that part of the world. Always wanted to go there, buy a boat and spend at least a year there, including a winter living aboard and touring that part of Europe before sailing to Uruguay. Maybe one day.....

  4. While I have visited San Antonio and was "subjected" to the River Walk, I don't think that it is nearly as nice as this photo.

  5. Now you see what's possible in countries where they don't let the insane walk the streets and push people into the river.

  6. No reason to magnet fish there. No bicycles.
