Friday, January 26, 2024




  1. Obligatory: “I’m givin’ it all she’s got and I just can’t hold it!”

  2. Always the gas cap code. Trust me.

    1. the Check Warp Drive light

    2. The Di-Lithium crystals are overheating!

  3. Hilarious that Levar Burton recently learned that his great-great grandfather was a white Confederate land-owner, very likely a slave holder. That's Levar with the air cleaner mounted to his face in this photo.

    1. Same with Angela Davis of the Black Panthers - she had white ancestors that came over on the Mayflower and were slave owners. Guess they'll have to pay reparations to themselves.

  4. I was working as the medic for a Paramount construction crew, who were trashing defunct TNG &c. sets, and I saved a batch of all the stickers like the one visible next to the photoshopped GEEK CLUB sticker in that pic once they were dumpstered by the guys busting them up.

    Next to labels in big letters, like ENGINEERING or LIFE SUPPORT, in letters small enough for only cast members to read, the prop guys had filled them all in with great slogans, quoted from appropriate sources:

    "186,000 miles per second. Not just a good idea, it's the law."

    "In space, no one can hear you scream."

    "Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip..."

    I gave the collection (there were a dozen unique ones at least) to my idiot brother, because he was a TNG geek, and being my idiot brother, he later threw them away, because idiot.

    That the art department and prop guys did that, knowing that only the cast and crew would ever read it, still cracks me up.
