Thursday, January 11, 2024

Oui. C'est bon.



  1. No fly zone.

  2. Saw the Concorde at EAA Oshcosh back in '86. They were offering 15 minute rides up to the Canadian border and back, $800. Couldn't afford it, shame. Fuel burn on that jet was astronomical!

  3. A small piece of metal on the runway punctured the Concordes fuel tank which caught fire, dooming the plane to crash into a hotel.

  4. I used to deliver new cars to a drop yard directly under an approach to JFK. Just off Rt 27 on Long Island. One side of the road was lots full of cars, other side was residential neighborhood. When a 747 would fly over, a couple car alarms went off. When a Concorde flew over, ALL the alarms went off. Unbelievably loud and earth shaking.

  5. My fellow airliners; the airline will not survive unless we allow FOD into our turbofans.

  6. Saw the last few flights out of IAD, while working in Leesburg, VA. Shook the office.
