Tuesday, January 9, 2024

No longer acceptable to the woke snowflakes



  1. I grew up in Cleveland and as a youngster, worked hard in elementary school to get straight A's which was rewarded with tickets to Indians games. I can't recall if it was a program sponsored by the Cleveland Press or the Plain Dealer (or ?), but there were tickets to 6-8 games or so. Of course, the large Indians sign on the side of the old stadium was declared "racist" and had to be removed along with the name change to the Guardians. I'll never see another game there. (https://clevelandmagazine.com/in-the-cle/sports/articles/the-chief-wahoo-sign)

  2. Well, the problem is we cave to the lunatics. Name changes, removing statues, stop cowering to the mentally diseased.

  3. That logo always makes me smile.

  4. When I saw this. I could taste Baseball card bubblegum.

  5. "Chief Wahoo"!!! my pop, a sandlotter, worked out with the Indians when he was teen, '30s. Moe Berg was on the roster.

  6. It is my understanding that many Native Americans are upset with the woke libtard ass wipes who are getting rid of so-called "offensive racist" team names. The tribes want references to Indians, etc. kept in the minds and hearts of Americans. What better way than name sports teams for Native American stuff???

    1. Hell, they're upset now about countries launching spacecraft to the moon.
      Now they think the moon is theirs.
      Give 'em an inch...
      If the wypipo hadn't drug their ass into the present they'd still be dragging their teepees around on sticks pulled by dogs.

  7. The Washington Commanders = Commies. Seems appropriate.

  8. As a west coast Canadian growing up in the 50's I had no local Major League teams to support. Had to decide which one to root for so that I could trade ball cards with my friends. First it was Brooklyn ( them bums ) until they moved out west in '57. A lot of my friends liked the Yankees ( hard not to when the had such legendary players on their rosters ) but I never liked the fact that they were so rich that they could literally buy a pennant and World Series. I finally settled on the Cleveland Indians, partially because I liked their Chief Wahoo logo. Fast forward to the late 90's when my wife and I spent a couple of Feb. / March's in Goodyear Arizona where the Indians and Reds had their spring training facilities. Thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Since they ( and other teams ) have gone WOKE and dropped their heritage ( Guardians??? WTF??? ) I have completely dropped the sport along with the other major leagues, sold off my ball cards and got a life. I have, however, kept the hats, jerseys, bobble heads and pennants of the old team and wear them just to piss off the progressives. To be fair, at 74 years of age I think I've seen every possible variation of ball game and every interesting player there was. So, in the end it's not such a big loss.

  9. My wife is from Cleveland and we've collected all sorts of Chief Wahoo memorabilia over the years. Glad we did! I predict people will eventually get tired of the Guardians garbage and bring back the Chief.

  10. Frack those people and all who support them and their evil ways. I do not even follow any sports at all, well maybe curling.

  11. Mrs. JP is a natural Clevelander and will always call them the Indians.

    1. I was once a Clevelander too. I won't use their woke team name, nor will I support woke sports leagues. I refer to them as "the MLB team that associates themselves with the city of Cleveland", or alternatively as "the pro baseball team that plays more games in Cleveland than any other". Granted, it's a little unwiedly.

      And why support racists? After they 1st declared the "Indians" was a racist name they next declared they'd stop using it in a year or so. It's like saying I agree that the N word is wrong and next year I am going to stop saying it. MLB is a racist, anti-white organization.
