Thursday, January 25, 2024

More morning smiles from Thalia Crawford



  1. And she's looking as lovely as she did in yesterday's photo.

  2. Excuse me ma'am is there room for me in that lovely garment you're wearing?

  3. Not complaining, but... it would be nice to see some natural color in her cheeks instead of makeup.

  4. Well, she's no Greta Thunberg.

  5. Young and gorgeous...


  6. Okay, I'll be the cynical one (yes, natural beauty is the foundation, and she has it)...but...hours of hair and makeup, a nice complimentary color ski jumper, and 200 photos to capture that just right shot. If any of us saw her walking down the street we wouldn't recognize her, like most of the social media darlings.

  7. Made herself a social media empire behind clown makeup, gym time, and a symmetrical face. Her pretty pictures made my old perv ass google her. She posts herself without makeup to show how she does makeup, but it proved she’s actually uglier than my wife.

  8. I remember from my co-ed dorm days, a young woman who was always perfectly made up. She was good at it. I saw her once, coming from the female showers (old dorm) with no makeup on and I was absolutely shocked at the difference. Very pale face, plain features. Couldn't believe it, at the time. It made me realize how much time she was spending in front of a mirror, every single day.
