Sunday, January 21, 2024




  1. WW2 demonstrated that the battleship age was over when the carrier aircraft took out the fleet at Pearl Harbor. The battleships didn't go away, things just changed.
    Aircraft Carriers still carry serious "influence" all over the world but have modern missiles made them vulnerable and we just don't know it yet (like the battleships in 1941)? What would we replace them with (and ) their ability to carry influence around the world?
    Interesting times...

  2. Haven't read the book (looks interesting) but we are entering into a new era where strategic combat drones are going to become and important weapon. Instead of a platform full of fighter jets, I could see a floating platform acting as a base and command center for a fleet of thousands of drones, with a few supporting piloted jets.

  3. There are submarines and targets. Carriers that are caught out will be sunk almost immediately if war with a peer breaks out. Even aircraft cannot fly in todays EW environment. Missiles and drones rule all.........

  4. Questioning the Carrier examines how the U.S. Navy can embrace the Age of the Missile, network the distributed fleet, and diversify to develop a fleet that continues to justify the aircraft carrier and the myriad of incomes dependent on it’s continuation.


    1. FIFY. Don’t ask Y…

    2. Carriers are 6000 person blazing, sinking, caskets these days. The Russian and Chinese hypersonic missiles put them in the WAAAY too expensive, dangerous category. What do you replace them with? Shit loads of relatively small missile frigates loaded to the gills with offensive and defensive missiles and EW weapons.
      We don't need shit to park somewhere for "influence", we need to leave everybody ALONE to do their own thing, good or bad. You mess with us, we make you most regretful.
      WE AIN"T THE MORALLY SUPERIOR POLICE OF THE WORLD. We (da govmint) have NO moral standing. In 1979, Iran was correct when they called Uncle Sam "The Great Satan." I'm a little slow, it took me until Bush ll to figure that out.
      Well, why doncha tell everyone how ya REALLY feel Mikey, eh?

  5. They can be useful to project power over 3rd world camel humpers and goat defilers but as far as being useful in a war with a technologically advanced foe they are sitting ducks….Even the Houthis are a threat to them……

    1. The houthis with strategic arms is like giving a loaded AK to a monkey.
      Peers know only too well that open warfare against the U.. is signing their own death warrant.

      But the retards and morons don't know or care. They're happy to pretend. So the peers give weaponry to the retards for proxy skirmishes.

      F that criminal kiddie diddler.

    2. * ... against the U.S. ...

    3. Hehehe, yeah, look at how those Iraqi's, Afghani's, and Syrian's aren't even on the map anymo... Whoops!
      You're a boomer, we can tell.
      How can we tell? You're stuck in 1980!
      Voat Harder! Reagan will save us!

  6. The floating Carrier attack group is a thing of the past.
    One word: Sarmat

    1. One day, the carrier Admirals are going to have the same feeling the battleship Admirals did on December the 8th, of '41.

  7. Carriers are obsolete. Russia's hypersonic technology could sink all of them within an hour and we wouldn't be able to stop them.
    If we keep FA, we will definitely FO.
