Monday, January 15, 2024

Great idea, but that tree doesn't look sturdy enough, and it would really sway in a storm.



  1. Looks like it is three trees and yes it would sway in a storm!


  2. good cardio climbing those stairs

  3. You would think a Redwood tree would be a good candidate for supporting a treehouse. Problem is they seem to be designed to shed branches at windspeeds above 65mph. Don't know how they do it, but the branch just drops away, and, on a tree 200+ ft tall, that branch will be the size of a normal woodland tree. Hard to armor a home to withstand that sort of impact, and the branches are near the top of the tree. Not sure if it is feasible to brace the branches to keep them from detaching. Could be a nice view if located up near the branches, though.

  4. "ewoks and shit dudes "
