Sunday, January 7, 2024

Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda - Apologies for the politics, but this is an important conversation

Usually this stuff goes on my Patreon, but I'd like to see how a wider audience reacts.   


  1. About time you got around to the dire...politics be damned, its OUR future at stake!

  2. Everyone, regardless of their political persuasion, should watch this conversation. Saw it on yesterday and the foreboding feeling I got from it listening to Bret Weinstein's comments greatly concerns me for the future of our country, and the world. Thanks for getting it out where many more will have the opportunity to hear this exceptional commentary.

  3. I watched the whole hour and it was quite excellent. Tucker played a brief clip of Tedros of WHO lying out his ass that his organization would EVER step upon the sovereignty of nations. They've already proved they do it with glee. There's a warning that "climate change", far more elusive than mysterious viruses, could turn this world into prison planet. Weinstein briefly mentions the fatal numbers discovery in New Zealand that MSM will not speak of. I've tossed $72 to Tucker Christmas Eve and am looking forward to him going where no journalist has gone before.

    1. Let me get this right... You are so willing to be lied to that you are willing to pay Tucker Carlson (a millionaire son of a billionaire) for the privilege of listening to those lies?

      The guy was fired from Fox because his lies costed them over $750 million. He himself said multiple times how much he HATES Donald Trump. Of course he never said it to you... he wrote it on emails and txt messages to his friends/coworkers. The guy thinks that the Trump presidency was an unmitigated disaster and that nothing good had come out of it. He successfully argued in court that no one in their right mind should think that what he spews every night on TV is news or true...

      So that is what you are paying for?
      You are willingly giving $72 of YOUR money to a guy that has hundreds of millions so that HE can lie to YOU!
      I guess it is true that a "one IS born every minute"...

  4. I like the content and think Bret’s assessment and message are spot on. What it comes down to is identifying the apparatchik implementing the evil and letting human nature sort it out.

  5. It only happens if the people let them and so far we have.

  6. Heavy. I knew Cough19 was a test.

  7. you own the jernt, no apologies necessary. thanks.

  8. I listened to it the other day. I want to know what WE can do. I weep for my grandchildren.

    1. What YOU can do is tell the truth every opportunity... at the grocery store... the post office... gas station... tell people covid was a lie, climate change is a lie, voting is bullshit... tell everybody to stop obeying and believing the bullshit they are watching on the TV.

  9. Better late than never, but this is VERY late to the party. The movement, or slide, downhill began around 1970 but that had it's roots in 1945 or so. The Constitution supposes a nation of moral and upstanding male citizens making rational and logical decisions, the further we stray from that ideal the closer we are to the cliff.

  10. "The Constitution supposes a nation of moral and upstanding male citizens making rational and logical decisions" says the guy getting ready to vote for president for a guy who:
    -Stole and hid national security documents
    -Incited an insurrection against the USA
    -Called for the suspension
    -Was found to have raped a woman (found to be a rapist in court in NY)
    -Has also been accused by 24 other women of rape and sex assault.
    -Enriched himself during the presidency (received money from foreign governments, including China)
    -Cheated on ALL his wives
    -Seeked to disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, etc
    -Created fake electors in an attempt to overturn an election
    -Used campaign funds to pay a pornstar to cover an extramarital affair
    -Thinks WWII has not happened yet
    -Seems to believe he is running against Obama (although Obama left the presidency almost a decade ago)
    -Refused to accept the results from EVERY election he has been part of.

    The list could go on and on and on... But I think that is enough to prove the point that Donald is not a moral, upstanding citizen who makes rational and logical decisions... not to mention that neither are those who are willing to ignore all this to vote for him...

    1. Take your TDS, Anonymous, and stuff it. Your pack of lies shows you are an Ultra Mega Leftist.

    2. How am I a leftist? I'm just repeating what Trump has in fact done!
      You may not agree with it but Trump has in fact done all that I listed.

      You are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts.
      Trump cheated on all his wives, he called for the suspension of the constitution, was found in court to have raped a woman, has enriched himself and received $ from China, seeked to have the votes of millions of americans not counted, paid hush money to a pornstar, etc, etc, etc.

      All these are facts. It is still up for debate is some of these a crimes, felonies or misdemeanors. That is what courts are for...

      In any case it is clear that Trump is not a moral and upstanding male citizens making rational and logical decisions! (BTW, this is also a fact and not a matter of opinion)

    3. Every one of your supposed points is a Leftist/Democrat LIE.

      I will dissemble two of your points. I do realize that to you Anonymous, facts do not matter only the Leftist/Democrat narative.

      -- There was NO insurrection on January 6th, 2021
      -- NO one that was there has ever been charged with insurrection
      -- The only violence was started by the Capitol Police and the DC Metro
      Police when they fired "non-leathal" weapons into an otherwise
      peaceful protest. Injuries to police officers were caused by their own
      -- The only two people killed at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021
      were Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland, both protestors. NO police
      officers were killed.

      -- There was no attempt to disenfranchise millions of voters.
      -- However there were 100s of thousand of disputable votes in
      the 2020 elections. Here is a breakdown on the Arizona Electoral issues
      which were similar to the other "swing" states which is recorded here:

      2020 Elections in Arizona

  11. Trump is a slimy freak... but he won the election. It was an obvious steal, by a demented child-groping pedo who rarely left his basement. Grow up, asshole. You think elected officials are here to help? This world is owned by The Owners, as George Carlin used to refer to them. They own the politicians. Stop watching TV news. I'm sure your list goes on and on but nobody at Timewaster gives a rat's ass.

    1. Do you understand how elections work?
      Because it seems like you don't!

      It's been 3 years since the election. In that time nobody has come up with credible evidence of fraud. Trump took this matter to court over 60 times and lost every single one (including the Supreme Court).
      There is a $1,000,000 reward offered by Dan Patrick for everyone with evidence of voter fraud. That reward is still unclaimed. (Actually he did pay $25K to a democrat that proved an instance of republican fraud)
      At the same time Mike Lindell has been forced to pay $5Million to the guy that proved his data was fake.

      Lets think for a second what would have to be true for you to be right. For the nonsense that you repeat to be true, for Trump to have won the election and have it stolen from him, there would have to be a HUUUUGHE conspiracy all over the country (and the world).
      A conspiracy so vast that it includes Hugo Chavez (even though he died years ago), Nest thermostats, italian satellites, voting machines (that are only used in limited locations), Batman, the Joker and all the Power Rangers.... but at the same time NOT ONE person in that conspiracy is willing to break with it and come forward with some evidence and claim the million dollars offered?
      It would have to be a conspiracy so effective and efficient that NOT ONE republican has been able to find ANY evidence in three years?
      Donald Trump has a conference call with 3 people and we have 2 recordings. Ted Cruz sends a txt message inviting his neighbours to Cancun and half the people that received it immediately leak it to the press... but you can't find evidence of a conspiracy with people all over the country with presumably THOUSANDS of participants? A conspiracy that would require thousands of emails, txt and calls to coordinate and execute... and yet you can't find one single piece of evidence...

      It is either the most CAPABLE, EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE conspiracy in the history of humanity orrrrrrrrr.... a failed President that was disliked by over half the country lost the election.

      Which one is more likely? That we are facing the biggest conspiracy in human history and a conspiracy that left no evidence or people willing to break with it.... or that an unpopular politician lost an election?

      I don't know in what planet you live but you will be welcome in planet earth when you decide to return.

      BTW... should we go into the fact that in your dream world Biden is a senile man that can't change his own diaper and ALSO the leader of the biggest most incredible conspiracy in history???? Which one is it? Is he senile, frail and hiding in a basement or is he the biggest and most amazing criminal mastermind that the world has ever seen? He certainly can't be both!

    2. Anonymous replier, I see that you are still spouting the Leftist/Democrat LIES in another comment.

      There has been thousands of instances of credible evidence that have been presented since the CHEAT of 2020. Almost all of the cases brought against the 2020 Presidential election were dismissed with no presentation of the evidence and primarily by Leftist Obama or Clinton judges.

      Biden who is senile and can't change his own diaper is the puppet/frontman of an incredible conspiracy. It is really the only Insurrection of 2020/2021.

      How much does a Soro's front organization pay you to write this fiction that you write.

  12. Once again... you are entitled to your opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts.

    Cases were dismissed by judges appointed by several presidents. Including some judges that were appointed by Trump himself! Who appointed the judge has nothing to do with why cases were dismissed. Actually 123 judges ruled against Trump. Out of those 49 were Republicans 51 Democrats and 23 had not known political leanings... In other words of all the judges with known political leanings 50% were republican and 50% were democrats.

    Cases were dismissed for all kinds of reasons but the biggest reason was lack of evidence! You can't bring a lawsuit without evidence and it is also very hard to find evidence of a crime that never happened... hence the lack of evidence...

    You seem to know nothing! Soros doesn't pay me. I'm paid by the lizard people from funds collected by the Elders of Zion

  13. “ Politically Correct “ was first used in Russia 1917. First used in USA early 1990s. Trump signed PEAD and the Insurrection Act 1807 is still in effect. Watch Trumps inauguration speech 2017 when he’s surrounded by military at 1 min 35 sec
