Friday, January 19, 2024

Between tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and typhoons, Japan can be a wild place to live.

 Significant land uplift in Japan following the January 1st earthquake.


  1. Earth changes never stop... it's a dynamic system.

  2. And Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra...

  3. I think I read somewhere - maybe it was Roger Pielke (climate scientist) that amidst all the big talk about rising sea level that hypes the news, that actual landmass on Earth has been increasing because of natural sedimentary flow into river delta complexes (i.e. erosion), active vulcanism, and of course, human construction activity. As verified by satellite imagery.

  4. That ~2000 year old Mediterranean seaport with all the stonework at the water's edge shows that the water level is still about the same, and there was no rise during the warm periods in that time. For example, back when it got warm enough for the Vikings to have farms and cattle on GREENLAND as a way station for trips to the Newfoundland area of North America circa 1000-1300. Food production got really good during that time, all around the world, especially in the European area. The climate idiots ignore this, as they can't explain it.
