Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Bear Known as ‘Hank The Tank’ Terrorizes Lake Tahoe Neighborhood. Ha, this is an older story (Hank got captured and relocated) but don't get me started on Tahoe bear stories. Living is easy there for our ursine friends, way too easy.


  1. Time to make some bear jerky.

  2. Is Lake Tahoe populated entirely by wussies? I know lots of people who would have fired a warning shot and then a second one if necessary. I also know a couple of people who would forgo the warning shot, sell his gall bladder to a Chinese apothecary and have a bear-skin rug on craigslist shortly after.

    1. Shoot a gun in South Tahoe and the authorities will be buzzing around in minutes. If a neighbor knows it's you they'll tattle.

  3. California outlawed the use of hounds in hunting bears shortly after the state banned the hunting of mountain lions as a result of the clueless voting in favor of a ballot proposition supported by the Humane Society of the United States.

    The citizens have no comprehension what the term 'carrying capacity' means, and I'm not sure the Department of Fish and Game (Wildlife) grasps the concept either.

  4. if the PTB don't want the citizens to shoot the bear, then they should let the popo shoot the bear. Sheesh!
