Thursday, September 21, 2023

1947 Ford Woodie. Imagine the labor involved with doing that.



  1. That woodie gave me a woody, but I am a carpenter and always keep some hardwood around.

  2. I had a neighbor who collected classic cars. One day his garage burned down and his Woodie went with it.

    It took him 5 years but he completely rebuilt it himself. Beautiful in the end.

  3. When Ford's motto of "Quality is Job One" actually meant something.
    - WDS

  4. I was 2 years old when that came out. There was no television in my life, and the radio was filled with music by adults, for adults. All I wanted was to grow up into that world.

    By the time I was 10, of course, it was all gone.

  5. Somehow, Dad ended up with a Ford and a Chevy, both late 20's vintage, as part of some deal. This was early 60's. I was amazed at how much wood those cars contained.
