Tuesday, September 26, 2023

No Kidding



  1. Love how his voice cracks like he’s 12 too.

  2. He looks like how I feel - cannot believe what has happened to our country.

    1. Do you have your husbands permission to be posting ?

    2. Rocky be a Troll. Do not engage or his madness will infect thee

    3. JC, how in the hell do people get that way?

      It has the most powerful educational device right under it's fingertips yet there it remains, as stupid as a blanched turnip.

      THAT, my friends, is a bold faced parasite of the worst kind and the sooner all of them are dispatched the better off the rest of us will be.

  3. He's lookin' at people like you, @mattxiv, and trying to puzzle out why the left insists upon bending reality for the other 98% of humanity so you & your ilk "feel safe". Let's line a few of your pathetic head shots up, shall we? Yeah, I didn't think so.

  4. More man than matt will ever be. Calls out the crimes being committed on a massive scale by our own gov't and our freedoms they are destroying daily.

  5. Tell you what, Matt. Why don't YOU start a blog or podcast and see how many people tune into listen to YOUR 'wisdom'.

    BTW, someone with an Adam's Apple like yours (Eye makeup? Really?) shouldn't be casting stones at someone else's physical appearance.

  6. Tucker Carlson is a god. If he runs for and is elected President, all of America will be the better for it. Can't wait.

  7. I've heard Tucker a few times and I just can't deal with his schtick. shrug
    I've found reading his words more palatable than listening to them.
