Thursday, September 28, 2023

I'd Drive That



  1. Another great example in this series!

  2. I once did. Except it was an awful medium green color. 292 Six. Decent truck overall with a most uncomfortable seat.

  3. What is that? About a '64? Cool.

  4. watched a tug a truck competition at the local county fair 20 years ago, big diesels chained end to end, blowing smoke and spinning tires, in pulls two guys in a clapped out ford just like this skinny tires and all except solid rust. Big diesel started smoking and spinning, the ford just sat there brakes locked and then left out the clutch in creeper and towed the big truck over the line, had six cylinder under the hood. The crowd howled, the announcer said," It's all about traction boys. It was great! Like the old saying goes " It aint the gun it's the gunner"!
