Tuesday, September 19, 2023

When the boss is away, the tire men will play



  1. "Steerryke !!" Nicely done, wrestling one of those up a ladder must not be too much fun.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep! Either a lot of skill/practice or just lucky..

  3. Back in the day, when we support people were replacing striking computer operators, there were enough non-striking operators to run things. The support people had a game called "Chair Put". They would try to send a chair rolling to a certain floor tile. It whiled away the hours until the company provided breakfast. Good overtime.

    1. When I was running a 24/7 data transcription project, from large magnetic drive packs over to 9-track digital tape, we set up a ring toss game using chairbacks and the write protect rings off the tapes.

      Hey, it gets really really boring at 3am watch a tape reel go around.
