Wednesday, September 13, 2023

That's Stuck



  1. And then there is Russian Army stuck.

    1. Wrong, that's Gen Milley getting caught pretending he's Patton.

    2. Milley isn't even Will Patton.

  2. Russians ain’t stuck
    They’re playing chess, USA/ NATO/ Uki still worried about stealing US tax $, hiding the bio labs, the human trafficking and the ever so good political kickbacks.
    Don’t interrupt your enemy while they are making (a) mistakes

    1. Russia is losing the war by not winning. Russia is far worse than stuck. Putin isn't even playing at the level of elementary school Checkers.

    2. How is Russia losing by not winning?

      400k Ukrainians killed so far, its a blood bath!
      Russia is moving at just the right speed to avoid having to kill civilians and wipe out the European breadbasket that is western Ukraine.

      They are letting Nato punch itself out in the countryside all the while tightening its grip on Kiev. This war was over the minute it started.

      You are smoking crack if you think Russia is not handing Ukraine their asses!

    3. Evidently, you're too young to remember Vietnam.
      Or whose flag flies over Saigon today.

    4. I remember it just fine, Russia ain't the US and time wasn't the problem, our government was.

      Our armor was pulled back whenever they gained ground. Our generals allowed our forward bases to be surrounded while they patrolled the countryside incurring casualties.

      We gained ground and then gave it back. Our officers hid in their bunkers instead of leading and the high command never developed any serious plan to engage the enemy in any meaningful (read Corp level) offensives.

      This ain't Vietnam by any stretch of the imagination.

      The longer Ukraine suffers under the incompetence and cruelty of its own leadership, the more Russia looks like their liberators instead of their invaders.

      Russia isn't winning here they have already won. They are marking time until the total surrender of Nato's puppet clown.

      The Ukrainians are blowing through money and equipment so fast its not even funny. In the absence of American leadership , European leaders are starting to pressure Kiev into a cease fire. They aren't blinded by our media, they know the writing is on the wall.

  3. Is that a woman driver?

    1. Blurry picture, but I had the same question.

    2. A magnifier shows could be young guy or woman.

  4. That’s earphones not hair…
