Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Old School



  1. I still have my old Head Metal 210s with Marker cable bindings somewhere in the attic. My old leather lace-up boots are long gone though, along with my hip joints, so I'll never see another slope. The last time I skied was at Mad River, I think my all-day ticket was $36. Of course, at the time I thought that was outrageous, but those days are long gone. I think an all day, full mountain pass at Sugarbush is up around $200 now. That's insane.

    1. The flooding in downtown Montpelier this past June was insane.

    2. That was July. I was camping at Gifford Woods State Park in Killington that week and Route 4 to Bridgewater was covered by a landslide on Friday the 7th, then washed out in a couple of places on Monday the 10th, along with route 107 to bethel. It rained until Tuesday morning. By the time it cleared up Tuesday afternoon there were only 2 of us campers in the whole park even though it was booked full. Now that was nuts.

      The only insane part about Montpelier (and Barre) is that they have been aware of their failing and inadequate storm and sanitary infrastructure for over 50 years but for some reason prefer to experience catastrophic flooding every 10 years or so while they fritter their considerable municipal budgets away on bullshit. Yeah, they're pretty kooky alright.

  2. @ Matthew:
    "...$200 now. That's insane."
    My diabetes won't allow it any more, but have you checked the price of a nickel candy bar - now that's really insane!

  3. Snowboarders ended my ability to enjoy skiing 35 years ago.

  4. That's telemark skiing. Only your toes are bound to the skis. Very tough to do, tried it several times. Deep knee bends & coordination. Requires very serious athletic ability.

    1. it is not possible to determine that from this drawing.
