Thursday, September 21, 2023

Max Canada Lynx - Risky. What does he do when he wants you to stop?


  1. yes, this is definitely a daily waste of time ! stchoopid.

  2. Replies
    1. From the YT video description -
      "This video is NOT taken in my home but where he has an indoor enclosure. This is Max's rug with his fur, straw and other scents that he loves. He doesn't like the vacuum. Max also has outdoor housing where he spends most of his time."

  3. That is one kool kat! I wouldn't mind having a couple of them laying around here. Keep ya warm in the winter!

  4. The nice thing about these wild cats is that the usual allergies between humans and house cats don't happen. Not sure why that is but I can pet any "exotic" cat and have no reaction; approach and touch a house cat and need an immediate epipen.

    1. IIRC, the problem is an enzyme in their saliva. How much a cat has varies quite a bit, as some cat's drool is like acid to me, and others don't give me much of a problem. Just wash my hands when I'm done handling them, and I'm good. I've never handled a bigger cat than the house type, so can't comment on that angle. You can now acquire cats that are non-allergy rated, but they are not common.

      I wonder if the difference might be how studious the big cats are at cleaning their own fur? They are coating themselves with their saliva as they clean, and they lose fur everywhere they live. Their fur isn't the problem, it's what is on it.

  5. You'll know when he wants you to stop. It's lunch time and...Yer It! Nothing better to a cat than a "hand sandwich'

  6. I had this big old tom cat that would stop by on occasion, he purred just like that - rattled like he was going to burn out a bearing.

  7. Tigers can't purr, they just 'chuff'.

  8. He sounds almost exactly like Mickey Jackson, who lives here.
