Saturday, September 2, 2023

Good Pup



  1. Border Collie Tricolor - Queenie crossbred. Not a good pup, but a great one. Scary smart.

    With those straight up ears, she might have some Kelpie in her too. Which means she'd be about 40 IQ points above who ever might adopt her. You better have plenty of energy to be able to keep up with that devil dog.
    I speak from experience.
    I love you. Terry.

    1. Elmo, did you ever come across any log arch made of wood?

      Dave at Engels Coach Shop on YT is remaking one with the original cast iron hubs. Twelve foot diameter wheels.

    2. Blue Heeler, or Aussie Cattle Dog. I had one for nearly 13 years. She shuffled off this mortal coil 22 years ago and is still greatly missed. She looked just like the one in the pic as a puppy.

    3. Anon @ 7:50-
      Check out the hubs on the third picture down-
      More here-

      I checked out the wheels Dave Engels is building. What a project!

      No, I've never seen a Big Wheel out in the woods, but there used to be skids for a steam donkey powered yarder right next to Lumpkin Road above Feather Falls. But they probably burned up in the Bear/North Complex fires in 2020.

  2. Better get that pup a JOB ASAP. Boredom leads puppies to make 'bad choices'.

    1. A tired Blue Heeler is a good Blue Heeler. A bored Blue Heeler is as evil as they come. Border Collies are the same way.

  3. That also looks alot like my blue heeler

  4. Aussi cattle dog - the bestest sneakiest smartest darn dogs ever. When you can’t find ‘em, look behind you!!!
    Had two, red & a blue.
    Gotta git one for the coming societal fall à la Mad Max!!!

  5. Was visiting a rancher circa 40 years ago whose home was on a stream outflowing into the clearwater river. The rancher had a blue heeler. He said would you like to see what this dog can do? "Of course," I said in response. The rancher then looked at the dog and made some gestures and said some words and the dog took off. We were by his home and it was dwarfed by the breaks of the clearwater towering over 2,000 feet above us, and near the top were six steers grazing. Well about a half hour or so later the blue heeler presented the rancher with the cattle. Impossible I would have said but for seeing it with my own eyes.

    Dan Kurt

  6. The best dang dogs in the world!! They do need a job to keep them busy.
