Thursday, December 16, 2021

Mysterious - and that red dot, so fetching.



  1. A rookie photographers mistake; the earring on the opposite side makes her look like she has a short goatee.

  2. Replies
    1. why can't you just leave the page?

  3. I didn't know they made 'em that purty over there.

  4. Is that a scratch off or a laser sight?

  5. I had the misfortune of working with some H1B types from India, mostly women but a few men as well on one of my engineering design contracts. Some of them were attractive on the outside, but nearly all of them were miserable to work with. That was especially true of the higher caste women, who didn't like being told "NO!" by a fat old American male(with 35 years as a mechanical drafter and designer, 25 years on Unigraphics).
    To answer Stuart's question, I like to think of that red dot as a laser sight. There were times when I would have loved to put a .45 hollow point between those eyes. It would have made a mess, but improved her personality.
    I told a few of them, more than once, That I hope that China decides to launch a nuclear depopulation strike on India.
    A man can dream, can't he?

    1. “Richie loved to use 22s because the bullets are small and they don't come out the other end like a 45, see, a 45 will blow a barn door out the back of your head and there's a lot of dry cleaning involved, but a 22 will just rattle around like Pac-Man until you're dead.”
      -Steve Martin in My Blue Heaven

    2. You should go to make money with your people - what you can't understand is neither bad nor good, you're confused.

  6. i wonder if my cat would attack that red dot.....

  7. I live 50 miles south of Washington DC and work in Northern Virginia. Once in a great while, before the current unpleasantness ruined it for everybody, I would take advantage of the incredible phenomenon known as Slugging to get to work. This involves getting a ride from a total stranger with some specific destination in DC. My work place is nowhere near any of the usual destinations such as the Pentagon or Crystal City so I would take a ride to anywhere near a DC Metro subway stop, take the train to a stop a mile from my office and hoof it the rest of the way. One morning while on the train I noticed the most incredibly beautiful Indian woman. She had the most beautiful big Brown eyes, big as saucers and deep as the deepest ocean. I stole glance after glance after glance until I realized, ah shit, I've missed my stop! Oh well, totally worth it.

  8. Dot heads. Only slightly less ugly than jihadis. There is a great deal of ugliness over in that part of the world.

    1. If you’re going to act like a piece of shit, go lay on the yard.

  9. Maybe the red dot is her on/off switch.

  10. Yes. I got in trouble in Denver in the early 2000s for trying to peel one off of a woman on a bus. She was not in the least bit thankful. Hollering, and grunting and spitting, not to mention how she was acting....

  11. Typical sense for the “Red Dot” is that it served as an aiming point for Indian men to jab their index finger while saying “you stupid woman.”
    I spent a good bit of my career as an “Amarican” working directly with foreign nationals. Consensus of colleagues would be that Indian women were shrewish Queen Bees of the lot.

  12. And here I thought the red dot was an advertisement for Red Ball Jets. Run faster and jump higher with Red Ball Jets!

  13. Push start vs. Pull start

  14. Red dot = Hindu. Pretty, though, but I'd rather a blue-eyed blonde on my arm and home.

  15. EVERY hindu OR Sheik that EVER worked with WERE HARD-HEADED DICK-HEADS. The civil engineers were always outdated with their methods and did everything the LONG, WRONGWAY!
    TOOK the asses forever to do layout AND grade. I would rather NOT work with them.

  16. So many posts and you never learned that the dot is the public statement as being MARRIED.
    Such beauty display of a women one can see in India, In The Americas, Europe, Africa, ... Asia... just other type be unfamiliar but shocking attractive...
    She is nor known by you and we do not have the right to make a judgment on her character, behaviour, education or anything except like or not; she looks very good, is beautiful!
