Saturday, December 11, 2021

For a few minutes recently, there were 19 people in space, the most there has ever been.



  1. Looks like 10 from the US, 3 from Russia, 2 from Japan, 1 from Germany and 3 from Red China. Right?

  2. More if you count Scotty's ashes, and Gene Roddenberry's, and Gordon Cooper. I think there's even a guy on the moon and a few others. Nobody has asked to be shot into the sun yet, but I think that would be pretty neat, considering origins of the universe and all that.

  3. I've seen a video where Buzz Aldren denounced to a little girl we never landed on the moon. Not sure if he was senile, drunk, or stone cold sober. But seriously WTF? What is the reality behind that one?
