Monday, December 20, 2021

Flattop. - don't see too many of those anymore



  1. After many years, I still have mine. And my barber knows how to do it right. Thankfully I can still wear it correctly.

  2. I still have one.
    My hair is a just little thinner then it used to be....

  3. I wore a short crew-cut as a boy. In college (1976 - 1980) I grew my hair to my waist. Now retired at 68, I haven't cut my hair in three years. I'm known around my apartment building here in Oklahoma City as "that old long haired guy with a gun." Suits me.

  4. One of the more embarrassing human endeavors ever created. The criminal look.
    When I got out of the army in 78 I stopped getting my hair cut professionally. I just trim the tangled ends every few months. Same with face hair. Just trim it every month or so. I don't waste a lot of time and resources in trying to be a pretty boy. Before they met me, and before we were married, my wife told her girlfriends I looked like Bob Seger on the Night Moves cover (1976).

  5. For the longest time, a barber in Mt. Vernon, OH, had this exact poster in his shop window. He's long gone, but his successor still has it up on the wall in the shop.

    I've seen some pretty weird haircuts done in that shop, but the great majority of young guys want something quite short.

  6. This was a better nation when George Jones wore a flattop.

  7. I never could wear a flattop because my hair is too fine stand up in front. Remember the wax sticks that were used to wax the front to make the hair stand up?

  8. Flatop with fenders called a burlap. Wore that through 7th grade in the early 60s

  9. Hey Mikey, I had a jar of Old Spice hair glue. It would make my flat top stand up, but the west Texas dirt storms made that a messy situation. What I called the "little boy haircut", was actually the college contour, dad cut my hair like that a lot. I wore that one from third grade until junior in high school. I let a lady barber talk me into a mop head look for 79-81. When I went to college, dad cut my hair back to the normal college contour for me. Been that way ever since.

  10. Last time I had a flat top was in like '67. In '97, my wife went through cancer and lost all her hair from the chemo. I shaved my head in support, which was ironic because she wore a wig and I looked like a cue ball. But I found I liked never carrying a comb or giving a thought to my hair.

    Shaving is a lot of work, though, so now I cut it to about 3/8" long and don't do a damned thing with it until it starts to look messy if I don't comb it. Same with a beard.

  11. Had a flat top in '62....once I started growing it, never saw much of the barber shop the same lady has been cutting my hair for the last 25 years....

  12. 20 years ago I'd pay equivalent of a half buck (25 pesos) for a whitewall while living in the Philippines. I have some Whal clippers now and #1 on the sides and #4 over the top.

  13. Who remembers the posters with the D.A. cut on them, and what it stands for?

  14. Not one single version of the ducktail! No Dean Martin curls. No James Dean rebellion. Very tame stuff!

  15. I cut my own hair. #4 guard all over. I used to do my own high and tight. Always got compliments on it. Surprised it didn't make the poster.

  16. They are haircuts you can set your watch to.
