Friday, February 6, 2015

Strange morning light

Living in a rural area has it's advantages.  One of them is being able to see what's happening in the sky, unimpeded by trees, satellite dishes or telephone poles.  This morning, I wandered out on the deck and was surprised to see this in the western sky.  A rainbow, and some interesting color in the clouds.  About five minutes after I took this, the color and the rainbow disappeared completely, and ten minutes later the rain that caused the bow chattered across the deck for just a few minutes, and was gone.  Sublime.

The cats noticed I had gone out on the deck, and followed me to see what I was doing.  I don't think they were impressed with the fireworks in the sky.

Update: light hail bouncing off the deck now.


  1. Funny you should post that - This morning there was a multi-colored cloud as the sun was coming up. By the time I got back with the camera, it was gone!

    1. That light changes very fast. If I hadn't wandered out on the deck to take a look around, I'd have missed it all.

      Right now, I'm at work in Sacramento, and there is a fair bit of thunder rumbling about. Great weather.

  2. Hey, I see two cooling towers out there, I think that's the soft glow of spent fuel rods you saw.

  3. Cats are selfish. They only care that the sun shines on them individually.
