Friday, February 13, 2015

F 86 Sabre Jets in Korea


  1. Going toe to toe with MiGs -- you know I would have.

  2. If only you could have.....snerk. LL, you are cool, but really. You are like the guys we had on the boats, no insignia, SUNGLASSES. On a boat?
    Come on, you did what you did. No more.

    1. I'm also an aircraft enthusiast.

    2. As am I...from a very young age. However, I realized that there are far more aircraft lost in the ocean, than there are submarines lost in the air. And I never thought I could do what those brave men who flew them did. No:"If I coulda', I woulda". That's why I rode the boats. Wishedta', just that.

    3. Dry subs aren't too bad. Wet subs (like MK-8 and MK-9 SDV's) SUCK. Long duration missions require a catheter. I spent time at SDVT-1 when it was at Coronado. I think it's at Bremerton now where the water is even colder.

    4. If yer springing peenies, let's trade 214's. glennnilsatyahoodotcom. Bummertown was cold as I remember when Mt. St. Helens went tits up. I like Subase SD much better.

    5. What boat(s), Squadron, pier? Tender?

  3. Not positive, but the terrain looks like it could be Osan.

  4. Hi CW,
    'Most Cool Foto!! I was just a kid. Me and my neighborhood guys Georgie and his brother Michael got to go to the "Picture Show" (The movies) on a Saturday afternoon I think it was in 1957? Georgie and I were about 12, Michael was 9. The Movie was "The Hunters" with Robert Mitchum and Richard Egan. Korea, an old WWII Fighter Pilot looking for "One More Piece of 'Action' while he still can!!" Mitchum shows up about when Egan is doing the morning brief,"Well, well, well, Cleaver Saville, 'At Ease Guys!' meet my old Flying Bud Cleaver Saville, he and I were Flyin' together when all a Pilot had for breakfast was a cigarette and a hangover!!" "Don't fly with him unless you want 'Action' he a 'Hunter!' he's 'The Ice Man!!'" (something to that effect!) 'Ya can find the movie on tape or where ever but have a good "Cold 6-pak" on stand-by!! Watch it!!!! 'Have to say they stole the "High speed sissors" and "Iceman" from "Hunters" for "TopGun!!" Without a doubt!! I mean, like I liked "TopGun" too, but when I first saw it, it was all too obvious!! Anyway, never mind the drama, watch the Hunters "Flying Action!!" especially when Saville gets "Casey Jones" on his tail down to the dirt!!!
    BSBD (Blue Skies, Black Death!!),

  5. I've got that moving picture show on dvd, have to watch it again soon !
