Monday, June 2, 2014

The Obama Administration is seeking to establish a separate, race based government in Hawaii

Haven't they ever heard of Brown vs. Board of Education?

“The Secretary of the Interior is considering whether to propose an administrative rule that would facilitate the reestablishment of a government-to-government relationship with the Native Hawaiian community,” said the document.
The goal, it claimed, is “to more effectively implement the special political and trust relationship that Congress has established between that [Hawaiian] community and the United States.”
The move is likely intended to protect lucrative financial set-asides for Americans who are also part of the Hawaiian racial group, said Heriot."
If Obama succeeds, “what’s to prevent creating similar [self-governing racial] groups out of say, Cajuns, or Orthodox Jews or Amish?” said Gail Heriot, a commissioner on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
“If you can do that with groups that are already part of the mainstream, you can balkanize the country,” said Heriot, who is a law professor at the University of San Diego.
But the proposed measure to increase legal diversity is illegal because the president doesn’t have the power to grant one group of Americans the status of a separate government, she said.
“There is no constitutional basis for conferring such status, and Congress has repeatedly refused to confer this status,” said Carissa Mulder, a spokeswoman for two members of the federal Commission on Civil Rights.
“This seems to be yet another case of the Obama administration ignoring the law to achieve its policy objectives,” she added."

If this plot succeeds, expect exactly that from the administration and the formerly Democratic party. 

With them it is always "divide and conquer," and so it will be for us Americans until the electorate 
makes them stop.  Unfortunately, it is questionable who will prevail in the end - the Democrats who 
seek to divide us into squabbling special interest groups who need to appeal to them for spoil, or the
liberty loving individual Americans who created and made the country great.

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