Saturday, October 21, 2023

World's First De Tomaso P72 Prototype

The sound is....terrible.   I far prefer the sound my Challenger makes.


  1. I can still remember back in 1972-3 it was when they where selling them here.
    like 10 grand or so I think it was.

  2. A guy I worked with bought one back in '72. I don't know what he paid for it but as I remember he told me a complete tune up cost about what I paid for my new '72 Beetle.

  3. Nice! Back in 1972 my dad was an instructor at the Signal School on Ft Gordon. He carpooled with another instructor that was a retired LTC that had a Pantera. Both had to back into the cabin and roll out of it to get out. The Pantara was driven once a week and never in the rain. Dad had a green and gold 71 Dodge Twister with the 340 that was stupid quick.

  4. Meh. Saudi prince/Broncos themed penis car.

  5. That's just about the ugliest interior I've ever seen! Bright orange and Black Hills Gold. Yeesh! I'd have a massive headache after about ten minutes inside that thing.

  6. If I had a dog as ugly as that car, I'd shave the dog's hind end and make it walk backwards.
