Saturday, October 21, 2023

Pecan rub sounds good -- but is it?



  1. I tried the Cherry rub but it's a little too sweet but the Pecan ain't bad at all.

  2. Well.....OK. Now, do I rub this on the pecans before or after I shell them?

  3. I like their "Honey Chipotle"

  4. Rub it on your meat

  5. This thing fills me with pleasure. I don’t know why, I can see it in the smallest
    detail. I find myself recalling it again and again, each time bringing more detail out of a sunken memory, remembering brings the curious warm pleasure.
    It was very early in the morning. The eastern mountains were blue-black, but
    behind them the light stood up faintly colored at the mountain rims with a
    washed red, growing colder, grayer and darker as it went up and overhead until, at a place near the west, it was merged with pure night.
    And it was cold, not painfully so, but cold enough so that I rubbed my hands and shoved them deep into my pockets, and I hunched my shoulders up and scuffled my feet in the ground. Down in the valley where I was, the earth was that lavender gray of dawn. I walked along a country road and ahead of me I saw a tent that was only a little lighter gray than the ground. Beside the tent there was a flash of orange fire seeping out of the cracks of an old rusty iron stove. Gray smoke spurted up and out of the stubby stovepipe, spurted up a long way before it spread out and dispersed.

    I saw a young woman beside the stove, really a girl. She was dressed in a faded cotton skirt and waist. As I came close I saw that she carried a baby in a crooked arm and the baby was nursing, its head under her waist out of the cold. The mother moved about, poking the fire, shifting the rusty lids of the stove to make a greater draft, opening the oven door; and all the time the baby was nursing, but...

    John Steinbeck - Breakfast

  6. Sounds like it might be good on ribs or pork butt before smoking. My latest favorite is Farm Dust. That sh#t is good on everything: fried eggs, cottage cheese, steaks, chicken - really good on almost anything.

  7. I smoke with pecan wood, it has great flavor, never tried the rub...
