Saturday, October 28, 2023

Getting ready to smack some sense into you



  1. I once knew a guy who had had a black belt in kendo. In his mid-forties he said the sixteen year olds were starting to beat the crap out of him.

  2. dunna know whether "starting" is cautionary or encouragement.

  3. yeah, until I take it away from her. duh.

    1. I would pay good money to watch you try to. Until you've set foot on the mat, you have no idea of the speed

  4. Beat me with your rhythm stick, beat me beat beat me...

  5. Hurts so good. Come on baby, make it hurt so good.

  6. Let me tell you.....
    Japanese girls are expected, under Japanese social standards and mores, to be perfectly polite, constrained, and to always politely defer to males in any position of authority.
    Then, when they start practicing martial arts, usually in their teens, they suddenly find a way to unburden themselves of a lot of resentment and suppressed anger at being treated like servants and serfs....
    and the results are a young woman you NEVER want to cross - or unintentionally insult.
    The minute you don kendo armor and face off in the square against her, you are facing a combination of mousetrap-quick reflexes and merciless aggression that will not just try to score hits on you - she will smash you into the floor. And then bow politely, but never apologise.
    How do I know?
    Been there, done that. Got the hairline fractures, ulna and radius, to learn from.

  7. I took Judo lessons for many years, but I always wanted to take Kendo lessons. Never happened. Now I am way too old for that stuff.
