Thursday, October 5, 2023

They're gonna have a blast!



  1. Young and dumb, why history needs to be taught.

  2. Sweden today for real. Seems Germany also, if you can read anything "Anti-Immigrant in their "news".

    1. SIGH, I know about Heinlein's Crazy Years and 1984. Know a fair bit about the fall of Rome also.

      Didn't want to be an eyewitness of all the above in real time.

      But here we are...

    2. May you live in interesting times.

  3. I have one of those deactivated practice hand grenades sitting on my bookshelf in the living room, along with a stage prop dynamite time bomb.

    They're just harmless conversation pieces.

  4. When I was a kid we had plastic ones that had a cap go off when you threw it. Too dangerous for the kiddies now.

  5. Yeah, has a blue handle. Just a training grenade.

  6. That ring around the middle means it’s a illumination grenade.
    No boom, but enough Willie Peter to burn down your house in short order.

  7. I believe the ring around the middle of the body is a mechanical seam, where the top and bottom halves of the body were crimped together. The grenades we used (1978-1983) were almost spherical, and the upper and lower halves were welded together. Had a grenade suffer a low-order explosion on a training range (on Tinian) once, which allowed EOD to recover it. After they carefully burned out the remaining explosive they gave it to me. The insides of the hemispheres were serrated in a cross-hatch pattern to enhance fragmentation. If perfect fragmentation had occurred, each fragment would have been somewhat smaller than a BB. And I never encountered a grenade of the pictured type in real life, but the entire body of the practice grenades we used was blue - not just the handle.
