Sunday, October 8, 2023

Open-Net Salmon Farms, Dýrafjörður, Westfjords, Iceland



  1. Disease farms. Bad Ju Ju. Don't buy farmed salmon. Full of antibiotics. Tastes like shit.

    1. And wild salmon has worms.
      Take your pick.

    2. Fish and other seafood is totally gross. How about that they poop and f*ck in the same water that they drink?

    3. I have never found worms in wild Salmon. Other species, yes, sometimes. But never Salmon.

      I commercially fished Salmon from northern CA to the Canadian border. A couple of seasons in AK.

  2. Seems to me that fish raised in open-ocean pens might be healthier than in a farm pond. The big issue seems to be that ponds recirculate wastes. Open ocean, not so much, I would think. Not sure how they would be super-dosing these open-penned fish with high levels of anything, except maybe food. Any experts out there?

    1. 'Open net' is a play on words. It is marketing hype intended to shed the image of fish farms in backwaters.
      Implied is the fish are free swimming in a natural setting. This isn't true at all.

      Allegedly siting the fish farms in ocean currents* does not alleviate the prospect of diseased fish. Further, such practices cause higher incidence of disease in wild Salmon.

      The practice of 'open net' fish farming has been banned in many countries with more countries being added to the list.

      Friends don't let friends eat farmed fish.

      *the flows within a fjord is different than in the open ocean. There exists a wide body of research on the subject.

    2. See? The marketing works. They say open net, you say open ocean.
      They are not the same. There is a huge difference between the two.

    3. 'The marketing works' is just a BS answer. The comparison was open-ocean pens - like the ones shown in the picture (!) to fish farm ponds. And yet there was no addressing that comparison, and nothing about dosing and antibiotics and so on. OK, then! I read online that fish in pens crap just like fish in the ocean! There's an environmental impact! Then they might get out and breed with other fish! Oh, the humanity. Then there's the stories about the psychological abuse because fish feel pain!!!

      It would seem like there ought to be no fishing allowed, because reasons, and there ought to be no fish farming allowed, because reasons. Sounds like The Movement has a problem with people. As far as I can tell one country - Argentina - has banned open net fish farming. You might have a point, but you'll never make it using Bad Faith arguments.

  3. Just yesterday I saw a headline that said don't eat farmed salmon. Didn't read it cuz I hate fish.

    1. Like a vegan, your comment tells us of your preference.

  4. Samon that eats soybeans is Yuck

  5. Eat all the fish you can. Go to any university, look who populates science classes: Asians. Asians have been gobbling down fish for generations. Maybe white folks are not as bright because they don't eat enough fish.

    1. And, of course, "Anonymous" has to bring up racial issues. Too sad that so many folks are so "tribal" and will never change.

      I know some "Oriental" people who dislike fish and other seafood.
