Saturday, December 10, 2022

Storming up the hill right now


Fredonyer Summit, on the way down into Susanville.

Soda Springs on Highway 80.  If there's any road they try to keep open during a storm, it's this one.

Snowing Hard at Twin Bridges now.  It'll get worse over night.


  1. Hwy 80 has been closed since 3:24 pm due to "ZERO VISIABILITY"

  2. I was visiting my Mom in Schenectady for Christmas, maybe 15 to 20 years ago, and a Nor'easter hit. At one point it was snowing at a rate of 6 inches per hour. The TV weatherman said that's about as fast as it can snow, I guess the air is saturated at that point. It was impressive to see.

  3. sweet, headed my way in souther Idaho

  4. Natural gas normally runs around $2-$4 per million standard cubic feet (mmscf)

    California relies on natural gas for about 60% of its power-gen needs - assuming all their spinning-thingies and magic sun-shingles are working at full capacity.

    “That’s the head of the nail,” Williamson said. “If we had plenty of gas in storage, this wouldn’t be happening. Now, everyone is a hostage.”

    Most of England is getting snow and ice right now. Both Europe and the US are going to be burning a lot of fuel for the rest of the month - if they have it.

  5. In 1966 I was coming down the hill into Susanville at night for the first time. It was all lit up like a scene out of a fairytale. The sawmill was still going full tilt then and even had a pond. Lived right across the street and boy could that stink.

    1. Paul Bunyan Lumber Company, 1953.

      Located where the Susanville Wal-Mart is today.
