Thursday, August 25, 2022

Well, ok then....



  1. And still, the ski area will get sued when some moron keeps on going and going and going and splat.

  2. Darwin just waiting for that one.

  3. On the plus side, their bodies will be naturally refrigerated while waiting for return to morgue.

  4. They need to add a line at the bottom...
    "Your partially eaten corpse may or may not be returned to your next of kin in late June, maybe July"

  5. They're sending a mixed message. Is it "non-survivable," or can you actually survive if you "hike back up?" As mentioned above, some morons will totally ignore.

  6. Alpental, Snqualamie Summit, WA

  7. Well, you always get the idiots that touch the "wet paint" sign.

  8. Every year every major ski resort will have at least one moron who will ignore this sign. Some great taxpayer expense...some do not.

  9. Is there a minefield?

  10. back in the early 1970s, the sheriff's department place signs on the trails north of I80 in the sierras explaining what trails not to walk/climb/ride as the dopers had grows in the area and were adamant about protecting their profit margins. I imagine it is even more so today. One riding trail we frequented ended up having cross bucks across the trail a few Klicks past the trail head with 'mines' and skull and crossbones displayed on it. I actually watched one idiot go around the signs and roadblock. his car was still at the trailhead the next week. always wondered what happens to stupid people.
    I imagine many such problems as that are self limiting ever since the rules about clearing underbrush to prevent severe tree killing forest fires were no longer considered 'woke'. starting a forest fire is probably the quickest way to get illegal grows under control and I now wonder about the many fires happening and the true sources of ignition.

  11. Too many YOLO morons will take that warning sign as a challenge.

  12. They put that sign there to save the best skiing for themselves. Ignore it and follow me!!!
