Thursday, August 25, 2022

Moving Fast



  1. No, probably less than ten knots.

  2. Rail in the water!
    And ten knots or no, great experience.

  3. Replies
    1. Watch SailGP sometime - might change your mind.

  4. It's a sailboat thing. You might not understand. I've had the powerboat folks make the friendly challenge of racing me to somewhere and I smile, lift my beer or brat and say "I AM Somewhere" before offering them one.

    My rail mounted BBQ and cooler is always ready.

    I've had some jet ski dummy's (almost an oxymoron) try to use my sailboat as a racing pylon. About the second time they find a black plastic bag "somehow" sucked into their jet ski intake.

    OR they discover how my little sharpie can sail where Herons walk and fish. The muddy bottom is generally hard on their jet skis.

    The slightly smarter ones shut it down before the lack of coolant fries their engine.

    The less bright often need me to call for Sea tow to bring them back home.

    Sometimes if they are polite enough, I tow them home WITH MY Sailboat.

    Be polite on the water friends. More fun that way.
