Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Ronald Reagan campaigning as a gubernatorial candidate, flanked by a young protester, 1966



  1. One of my friends, a young and stupid college freshman almost 50 years ago, joined a small protest against then Governor Reagan in Eureka, California. They shouted rude, mean things at him. Reagan excused himself from the reporters and came and spoke with the 4 protestors at length. Reagan was so classy, smart, and winsome that my friend became a life-long conservative. He's embarrassed by what he did, but later became a conservative politician himself.

  2. My home state is California and me and my wife were born in the late 50s. Reagan as Gov did more for the state and the environment then anyone since. He was the last to build dams and reservoirs in the state. He had logging companies removing dead trees and areas, bringing jobs, taxes, and keeping forest fires down. This was stopped by Brown when he became governor. After Reagan was governor the state has deteriorated badly. Me and my family left in 96 due to business.

  3. What a great picture of times long gone. Notice both Reagan and the protestor have smiles on their faces. If that were happening today, PETA would be protesting the use of the horse, fashionistas would be protesting Reagan’s shirt, and helmeted, baton-carrying police would have surrounded Reagan to prevent the screaming, picket-bearing mob from injuring the candidate. So sad!

  4. One of my earliest memories is of my mom showing me a photo of Reagan and saying "this is who we voted for for governor". Sadly she's now a hopeless lib. It was a great place growing up but I bailed out in '93 never to look back. You don't know how much you have to gain until you give up what you think you have to lose.

  5. "Nothing is better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse."
    Ronaldus Magnus

  6. He had some cowboy wisdom about him that no other so called politition has yet to match,

  7. that kid is now a trump supporter.

  8. Nice to know that little wiseass got to eat sh*t every day for 16 out of the next 22 years.
