Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Believe it. Wolves can get pretty big in a favorable environment.



  1. There's a Russian saying that goes, basically, "Throw the babies/old people from the troika." Meaning when the wolves are chasing you, toss a sacrifice out to escape. Packs of wolves. Russians have a cultural hatred of wolves.

    Stupid us, we introduced the bastards. And now they're killing children and old people and cattle and pets and everything else, especially when they get into large packs, just like in Russia.

  2. Canis Lupus: Up to 63'' in body length with a heaviest recorded weight of 175 pounds. Conservation status of Least Concern.

    They are not beautiful creatures. They are Apex predators who run in packs.

  3. yeah, all the "save the wolf" folks should be made to watch a pack tear a baby calf to pieces.

  4. They hunt for sport, decimating cattle and elk herds. Ask the folks up by Shoshoni and Lysite Wy. Kill one and it's $100K fine by those who put them there. Same mentality as Climate Alarmists, thinking they need to (and can) mess with Mother Nature without consequence.

  5. There was a reason our forefathers cleaned out the apex predators from the American wilderness. Nobody seems to remember this but jaguars used to live in South Texas. Ever seen a full size jaguar? Yikes!

  6. Lots of them in Northern Wi. Not afraid to come near populated areas.
