Monday, January 3, 2022

The ski park at the base of Mt. Shasta right now - pounding down snow.



  1. SO HAPPY to see this!

    Praying the reserviors recover this year!

    Would aslo be nice if Calif. "leaders" would pull their heads out of the asses, and built more storage, but...

    1. They claim to have begun the process of building Sites Reservoir but I'm sure it's nothing but a head fake. They need the 'lack of water' to support their climate change narrative.

  2. Most stored water will just be dumped into the delta to de-salt the smelt pond.

    1. There is a website that lists capacity and flows in real time of all the canals in CA. During the major storm which threatened Oroville dam, the canals were running 9,300% capacity on the low end and over 33,000% capacity on the high end. ALL of the canals emptied into the bays and ultimately the ocean. Percolation basins were torn down to better allow the land to shed the water. In time, the snow melt was run off too.

  3. Was there ever a follow-up on the story of Moonbeam filling up his private lake during the time he declared a state-wide drought?
