Tuesday, January 25, 2022

I remember seeing those style pastel appliances. Most popular seemed to be a disgusting avocado green - yuck!



  1. The showroom floors only ever had three colors.
    Kelvanator white
    Harvest gold
    avocado green
    My parents had the harvest gold set or washer/dryer and refrigerator.

  2. The picture looks like it's from the 50's or 60's. The Avocado green awefulness was a 70's thing. (I'll bet the countertops in that picture have a pattern that looks like the outline of a boomerang, too)

    1. Venus Laminate pattern in Turquoise, hard to find these days if doing a retro remodel or old camper fix up.

  3. Lived in two of the Avocado houses. One was built in '74, which we redecorated and the other was built in '38 and redecorated by my mother-in-law in '74 (there's a trend there). We never got around to redecorating that one but the young couple who bought it in '11 loved it.

  4. Well the stove and icebox are probably still working.

  5. DAMN those colors WERE FUGLEY.....IMO

  6. Looks like some photos on James Lileks' site: Interior Desecrations. It's a masterpiece.

  7. Who looked at the d**ned colors?
    As long as the beer was cold and the ice cream colder!

  8. My house was built in 1974, and still has avocado countertops.

  9. Laugh all you want, the avocado green upright freezer and funky stove
    my grandparent bought are still running from when they were purchased in 1 9 7 0.

    Stove looks like this but green.... https://imgur.com/3q53Gnp
