Saturday, October 21, 2023

They are indeed that big. One of those rare items that you need to see in person to really appreciate.



  1. For scale, that Fir tree in the background is three log load material.

  2. These look like redwoods. The sequoias are even bigger. Not as tall, but much larger.

    1. Uhhh... All "Sequoia"s are redwoods: either Sequoia sempervirens, mostly in northern Calif, or Sequoia gigantia, mostly in east central Calif. The sempervirens are *big*. The gigantia are.... ;)

  3. Stay away from Redwoods in storms. The branches at the top will be released/jettisoned at wind speeds about 65mph. Of course, they may fall with less strain. The indians called that "whispering death". Plus, those upper branches are the size of regular trees, and will bury itself in the ground after falling 200+ feet.

  4. So big it won't fit on one photo.

  5. I'd never seen them up close and personal till I went to the forest outside of Santa Cruz and saw them. I saw the cross section that was in the movie "Vertigo"! Impressive.

  6. Grew up in California & family took trips to the redwoods. They are a sight to behold.
