Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Chinese Five Color Peppers are still producing.



  1. I've never seen that plant before. Thats pretty ! Looking it up, its a shame they are a annual, requiring re planting every year. My family and I love spicy food.

    1. They are quite spicy, but still edible. That one I have growing in a pot, started from seed. I take them in in the winter and set them in front of a window so the cold doesn't kill them. That one is three years old, and I'll try and overwinter it again once it starts getting into the low forties at night.

  2. Never heard of that plant, looks good!

  3. I have three of them, all started this spring. Only two colours as they started yellow and turned purple. I'm hoping to overwinter them on my south facing windowsill.
