Sunday, October 1, 2023

More believable than 81 million votes...



  1. Then that’s what happened to the F35.

  2. 81 million? The win was even bigger. Joe had 300 million votes, more than he needed so the 219 million remaining votes have already been added to the count for 2024.

    1. And yet 3 years later there is still no evidence of the enormous crime you suggest happened.
      Biden is President. Trump lost over 60 cases (including the supreme court).
      And my favorite... you do realize that Trump might go to jail for pressuring the Georgia Secretary of State to find "missing" votes? The only thing Trump would have to do to avoid jail in Georgia is prove that votes were in fact missing in Georgia! If he can prove that votes were missing he proves that he was right in calling Brad Raffensperger and Trump walks free!
      Have you ever asked yourself how come he hasn't presented any evidence that would prove his innocence? If it was me about to go to jail for a long time and I had all this evidence that not only proves my innocence but also shows that I should in fact be the president.... you can bet your ass that I would be presenting all the evidence I had. Yet Trump doesn't.

      Trump is a cheat, a conman that has done nothing but cheat and steal from the poor suckers that follow him all his life. He cheated on all his wives, he stole from all his business partners and has betrayed everyone that ever trusted him (including you).
      I'm no genius and I don't have access to any kind of privileged information but I can tell you the future. Trump will win the GOP nomination. Chances are he will get to the Presidential election a free man, possibly convicted but free. Chances are he will lose the general election to Joe Biden... And here comes my big prediction. Trump will never accept he lost. He will unleash his followers on the rest of us, just like on January 6 and will cause more death and destruction.

      People get your heads out of your asses. You don't have to vote for democrats. Vote for whoever you want but don't vote for conmen that just want to destroy our country to serve their ego!
      BTW if you really think that democrats have already banked 219 million votes that are saved for 2024... You should stay home and not vote!

    2. Kind of defensive aren’t you?

    3. To the verbose "anon"
      Screw off. There, how to be concise and brief in 1 easy step.
      Screw off again, as a reminder.

    4. To prove the adage correct, there is no limit to stupid. Seriously, is this guy for real?

  3. Is this a random meme, or is it out of "Sharknado"?

  4. What I want to know is how was the camera in the right place at the right time? Talk about luck!

  5. That mattereth not a whit. Only 538 very specific votes matter. None of the rest are in any way meaningful.
