Saturday, October 21, 2023

If I had limitless money and was skinny



  1. Fast cars never really turned me on much, boats are more to my liking. And you ain't driving that around here without ripping something important & expensive off.

  2. Limitless $ and skinny? I qualify for one and it isn't the one that counts.

  3. Nahh. No thanks.

    Sure, with enough money and a skinny ass, I could get into my super-car and drive me and my latest super-model around town for everyone to see how just how rich and skinny I was. But then what? Am I going to stop somewhere and have dinner with her? Where do I park a couple three hundred thousand dollars and still enjoy my meal?

    Instead, I think me and Mrs. azlib will toddle ourselves down to the Cracker Barrel and split a big plate'o carbs. I'll drive the pickup.

