Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Doing what you gotta do to get the job done.



  1. That's why he gets the big bucks.

    1. they make more than a lot of folks. i'll bet that guy makes 60 bucks an hr working for someone else, 200 an hr if he owns his own rig.

  2. He ought to stick that stinger in the pipe layout mans butt. High chance of a bad weld and a good chance of a dangerous leak.

    1. that's why they pressure test them after. that and liquid soap. it's part of the job. if you had ever done that then you would know. you cant learn a trade from sitting on a couch. it's hard and dirty, but has to be done without bitchen.
      my hat's off to the guy for going the extra mile.

  3. I have seen welders to that kind of stuff and it passes X-ray for natural gas piping

  4. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.....
    All play and no work makes Jack a welder.

  5. Its a joke. He certainly doesn’t need to get into that position to do that weld.

  6. I watched a welder welding on a multi pass superheat coil in a steam methane reformer once. He was hanging upside down, welding on the back side of the pipe away from him watching the bead in a mirror held by his pipe fitter. Weld passed 100% Xray and hydro test.

    1. Watching somebody who knows what he's doing is a fading joy. In the '40s old guys used to stand behind a fence and watch the construction guys.

      And comment.
